TODAY is Election Day!

Here’s how to vote:

Find your polling place here:

Tuesday, November 2nd from 6:30 am to 7:30 pm.

Bring one of the following

  1. Photo ID: Any document issued by the U.S. government or the State of Ohio that includes ALL of the following:
    • An expiration date that has not passed;
    • A photo
    • Name
    • Address 
  2. Military ID
  3. Print out of Utility Bill with name and address: A utility bill such as water, sewer, electric, heating, cable, internet, telephone and cellular telephone services. 
  4. Print out of Bank Statement with name and address:
  5. Government Check with name and address: A government check includes, but is not limited to, a paycheck, check stub or receipt provided for direct deposit of funds issued by any level of government
  6. Paycheck, Check stub or direct deposit receipt with name and address
  7. Other Government Document with name and address